Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Diamonds Are Forever

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." - Romans 8:18

You're struggling with no one to tell, but Jesus. This is a season when you have been faced with some very high mountains and some very steep hills. Roads and paths once comfortably traveled have been altered with fallen objects, road blocks and detours. Life has been filled with curves from the beginning of the year to the end. As much as you tried to keep your pain private, the evidence of your pressure has been public. All of the pressure and heat from the stresses of life have left you rough around the edges, weary and worn, and feeling like you just might crack. And if you find yourself still reading this encouragement, here's some great news for you: You're not just a jewel, you're a DIAMOND.

Natural diamonds are created from very high temperatures and very high pressures deep within the mantle of the Earth. Consider the prophet Elisha who received the double mantle of the prophet Elijah. Now consider yourself. As a spiritual diamond, the greater your calling, the more powerful the pressure of the mantle. You are yet being developed, tempered, and formed to last. You've already  experienced enough to tell some good stories. But it's not over, because diamonds are forever.

Natural diamonds have the power to rip through the mantle and are brought to the surface by deep volcanic eruptions. While you are trying to calm the fire and keep your life from exploding, God is trying to use the pressure to get you from the pit to the promise! You are not Martin Luther King, Jr. You are not Mother Theresa reincarnate. You are not your grandmother, your teacher or your former spiritual leader. God has called you to a greater work that requires a greater process!

DIAMOND, I want to encourage you today without knowing all that you are responsible for. I want to encourage you who are caring for others that God has entrusted to you. I want to encourage you who wish at times you could walk away, but fear the destruction of all you hold in your hands. You are a DIAMOND. God naturally created you with the right amount of strength you need and I decree and declare today that you will not break. The fire will not consume you, and you will rise to the top. You will no longer live life as a diamond trying to pass for a rock. God has given you an indestructible spirit and you will not be broken! After all, DIAMONDS are forever.


Tracy Gale

Remember to share the TME with your friends :0)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loads us with benefits, The God of our salvation! - Psalm 68:19

Hello Everyone!

I would like to extend abundant blessings to you and yours during this Thanksgiving season! The Tuesday Morning Encouragement will resume next week! May the Lord continue to bless you daily and keep you safe. Be healed, be delivered, be set free!

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Make it Rain

Then it came to pass the seventh time, that he said, "There is a cloud, as small as a man's hand, rising out of the sea!" - 1 Kings 18:44a

Trust me when I say I know how it feels to put your faith out there over and over again and it seems like nothing is happening. When you prepare for a downpour and there isn't even a drop. I know what it feels like to expect great things to happen, only to be disappointed because you don't see the manifestation like you thought you would. Trust me when I say that I know people have watched my life and have even said "ain't nothin' happening", but don't let your eyes fool you.

The prophet Elijah had just told Ahab that he heard the sound of abundance of rain, the only problem is that there were currently experiencing a drought. The bible says Elijah prayed and when he asked his servant to tell him what he saw, the servant replied "There is nothing". Seven times Elijah sent him back to look and he finally saw a cloud as small as a man's hand...a storm was on the horizon.

Did they look at your resume and tell you "there is nothing"? Go again! Did they look at your credit, and tell you "there is nothing"? Go again! Did they look at your medical report and say "there is nothing we can do?" Go again! It may look like nothing is happening in the natural, but if I could get you to tap into the spirit realm to see the glory of God moving on your behalf right now! God's hand is not slack and His promises are true! He will accomplish what He started in your life! I declare as a prophet of the Lord today that I hear the sound of abundance of rain! Your cloud may look small right now, but just like your faith, you only need a little to move big things. Get your faith out of your pocket and let's make it rain!

Are you ready for the outpour? I am!

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Good and My Bad

"in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Lots of people have taken on the November challenge of sharing something each day that they are thankful for. As I was pondering my own thankfulness, I stumbled across a few memories over the last 11 months that I didn't recall being so thankful for at the time. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 came to my mind and I realized what my challenge would be. My challenge would be to thank God for both my good and my bad.

Maybe you're always in the heavenlies and never have LIFE happen, but I'll be the first to admit that there were times when I wondered if I'd missed God, and yes there were some tear-soaked pillows, and even some mornings I struggled to release my bed because the bad just seemed to get worse and the good seemed to be so far away. I had to remember that regardless of what I saw with my natural eyes, I was walking by faith and God's perfect will would be done. Those were some trying times, but God strengthened me when my faith wasn't strong enough to stand on its own. He transitioned me from not knowing what He was doing in my life to 'Lord, have your perfect way in my life'. Have you ever been there?

Most of us have experienced some kind of struggle that left us feeling like all of God's goodness had tapped out like a gas station after a hurricane. The reality is that if it isn't you personally, you can most likely identify someone in your life who has experienced the death of a loved one; the loss of employment or a home or car; the end of a marriage; the loss of a child; a debilitating illness or disease; an imprisoned loved one; or even damage from a major storm. Yet, I'm reminded of Psalm 27:13 says, "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living."

My friends, I know that it's extremely difficult to see the expected good coming out of a potentially bad situation, but you must know that the Lord has a plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 gives us the security that the Lord's thoughts for us include a future and a hope, peace and not evil. We have the promise that His love will keep us during some of life's most greatest challenges. God has enough grace to cover us through our good and our bad. I'm so thankful for that! How about you?

Thankful for His love for me through my good AND bad experiences!

Tracy Gale

"Good and Bad" by JMoss. Let it minister to your soul:
It's THIS Week!

Visit www.TracyGale.com or www.RaphaKingdom.org for more info!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hot Tub Holiness

"...what must I do to be saved?" - Acts 16:30b

My four sisters and I celebrated our 2nd annual Sister Weekend recently. We spend time away from being mothers, wives, professionals, and grandmothers, to enjoy each other's company uninterrupted by life's demands. After a full fun-filled day including a  photo shoot, lunch, shopping and dinner, we decided to relax in the hotel hot tub before calling it a night. Already in the hot tub made for 8, were three people we didn't know. We decided to join them and they made room for the five of us. After chatting it up, my sister Teresa introduced us as "singers". You would've thought she was introducing us as the Clark Sisters, the Pace Sisters, or even the Braxton's! It was enough to spark interest of our new acquaintances. We sang one song, and then they requested another. And then another. And then yet another! By the time we were on the 4th song, the glory of God had filled the atmosphere with His presence! It wasn't just us who were overcome by the presence of the Lord, our new acquaintances were too! After our last song, I extended an invitation for salvation and the Lord Jesus Christ was received by all 3 individuals! That hot tub will never be the same! It's been filled with the glory of God!

Paul and Silas weren't relaxing in a hot tub in the 16th chapter of Acts, but the bible tells us that during a time when most people would've been stressed out and at their wit's end, they were praying and singing praises to the Lord. Their powerful worship provoked an earthquake so strong that the prison doors opened and the prisoner's chains were loosed! The guard of the prison fell down and asked what he needed to do to be saved. He realized that there was more to Paul and Silas than his natural eyes could see, and he wanted in on it!

How can a hot tub be holy, you ask? Holiness isn't an app you download. It's not a hat you put on when church folk come around. It's a lifestyle. As Kingdom citizens, holiness should be finely woven into the course of our culture. It's how you choose to live your life every day. It's what oozes from your pores, flows from your lips, and emanates from your being. Holiness is what magnetizes the unbeliever to the Christ in you. It's that "something" about you that's different from everyone else. Holiness should cause an atmospheric change when you step into the room. In our case, we stepped into the water, the Holy Spirit stepped right on in with us and immediately, the hot tub became holy!

My friends, be ready for God to move whenever and where ever. Don't limit Him to certain places and certain times and certain situations. He's always ready to save a soul! Where will you lead the next soul to Christ? A movie theater? Bowling alley? The mall? Remember, where ever you are, that's where He is!

Still in awe of Him,

Tracy Gale

The Leech Sisters 2012

Join me for these upcoming experiences!

Visit www.TracyGale.com or www.RaphaKingdom.org for more info!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Do You Know Who I Am?

"But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" - Matthew 16:15

The view we have of ourselves can be so one-dimensional. I asked my youth group to circle attributes that they believed described themselves most. I then asked them to share a few about me. After a few sarcastic attempts using words like predictable and quiet, I jokingly asked “Do you KNOW who I AM?”

In Matthew 16, Jesus wanted to know what everyone else saw in Him and if His disciples were able to recognize His true identity. The general crowd knew that Jesus was a man of God, but only Peter recognized His true identity as the SON of God. Jesus didn’t ask for validation or affirmation of His identity, because He already knew who He was and what He was called to accomplish. Too many times we are looking for others to stroke us, sugar cube us and affirm us, but if you aren’t able to recognize yourself, how can anyone else recognize you? We’re often told not to care about the thoughts of others, but as Kingdom citizens, we must know if our lives are accurately reflecting the lifestyles we say we represent. Do people know who you really are? 

What do men say about you? That can be like opening a can of worms for some folks or a refreshing review for others. Has your personal credibility recovered? Are people happy to see you coming or glad to see you go? Do they believe you are sincere or do they think you’re fake? Do you think you’re kind when others know you as rude? Let your talk and your walk be aligned. Friends, we are living in a three dimensional, 2-way mirrored world. Not only are we considerate of how God sees us and how we view ourselves, we must also be mindful that we are living epistles to the world. Knowing who you are should be comparable with knowing who Jesus is. By the way we conduct our lives, Jesus can justifiably ask us the question…do you KNOW who I AM?
Working on me,
Tracy Gale

Enjoy this "throwback" Commissioned track "Who Do Men Say I Am"

Join me for these upcoming experiences!

Visit www.TracyGale.com or www.RaphaKingdom.org for more info!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

In a Relationship and It's Complicated

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? - Romans 8:35

I was browsing Facebook the other day when I noticed quite a few relationship status changes. There were new "married" updates and a few new "single" updates. I began to wonder what Christ would reflect if He chose to categorize the status of our relationships with Him?

Would our relationship reflect "married", as a show of commitment and dedication to Him? Or would it reflect more of an "open relationship" where it's a matter of convenience and opportunity? Would our relationship with Christ be "engaged", which would reflect our level of attention and importance given to Him in our lives? How about "single", which would be most reflective of our independence of Christ, as we choose to live our lives without Him? What do you think your status would be? Would it be too complicated to describe?

Paul posed a question in Romans 8:35 "who shall separate us from the love of Christ?" Paul follows this question with a concise and expressive answer reassuring us that there is nothing capable of separating us from the love of Christ. And with this surety of Christ's love for us, the question must be asked who shall separate the love of Christ from us? In other words, though Christ has committed His love for us, it is up to us to commit our love to Him. Here's where things get complicated.

A complicated relationship can be an indication that there are obstacles preventing two people from being in a committed relationship with one another. Many of us either now or at some point could identify with the status "in a relationship and it's complicated". We admit to being in a relationship with Christ, but additional influences, attractions, and interruptions have made it "complicated".

The committed intentions of Christ couldn't have been more clear when He bore our sins on His bloodied and torn body. His love for us was obvious with every moment He struggled for breath, sealing the assurance of our eternity. He continues to be a faithful, loving, and powerful presence in our lives. How much less should our commitment be to our beloved Savior and Lord? What are you willing to un-complicate to show your true, unadulterated love for Him? Nothing and no one has the power to separate Christ from you. Please don't allow your unwillingness to be whole-hearted and completely committed to Christ push you away from Him. I encourage you to choose a complete commitment, rather than a comfortable complication.

No longer complicated...but complete in Christ,

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Do the Work

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials..." - James 1:2

Football season always reminds me of high school. Believe it or not, I despised taking tests, and those awful pop quizzes were the worst! One subject I excelled in was english. It came natural for me so it was nothing to sleep in class during instruction and then pass the tests with flying colors. Algebra was an entirely different monster. I struggled to grasp the concepts and simply opted to barely pass the class. I admit that I once convinced a friend to give me answers to a test. I whisked through the exam and turned in my paper confidently. The next day, I grinned as tests were being returned, trusting that my friend's answers were all I needed to shine. The big red 'F' on the top was followed by "you have the answers, now do the work".

On our spiritual journeys, we encounter various tests and trials. Some of the tests may seem familiar because we've been in the situation before. We might even think we already have a cheat sheet with the answers, only to find out that we are still required to do the work. Testing is necessary, because testing is used to reveal the level of knowledge and comprehension of an individual. What are you doing with all of that knowledge from those classes you've been attending? Are you applying it or is it going to waste? Are you comprehending the word of God being ingested or are you reading and listening without understanding? At the end of the day, God sees you going to church every week, that's like showing up for class. What He wants to know is if you're doing the work.

James 1 encourages us to rejoice during times of testing and to allow this testing to produce patience in us. The testing may seem grueling, hard, long, and unnecessary, but the word of God says that the patience produced during testing will be perfected and completed in us. Without patience, we will find ourselves going from one extreme to the other, one person after the other, one place after the other. We will lack stability in God because we won't have the patience to wait on Him to move. Allow your testing to be proven, to be made solid in Christ. Knowing all the answers isn't enough...you've got to do the work.

Determined to do the work,

Tracy Gale

P.S. - I opted to retake Algebra in college rather than skipping to Business Math because I knew I really hadn't done the work. I managed a solid 'A' upon finishing the class, because I did my work! To GOD be the glory!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In Another Place

"that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head--Christ." - John 4:23

Class reunions can be one of two things...a delight or a drag. I'm fortunate enough to be a part of an awesome group of classmates who maintain contact by connecting annually. We are no longer the high school kids we used to be and all of the childish conundrums that peppered our lives years ago, are no longer an issue. That's because we're in another place in life. 

Wouldn't it be strange to attend a class reunion and discover that all of your classmates have moved on with their lives...except you? You'd still be gossiping about the same old news, doing the same old thing, and you wouldn't have changed a bit. The same attitude and outlook on life would place you backwards instead of forward. No maturity, no growth; you wouldn't be in another place in life. You'd have the concerns and mindset of a teenager, unable to identify with your adult classmates and eventually you would stop even trying to connect. In the spirit of 1 Corinthians 13, it's time for us to put away childish things. 

It's no different as Believers. Many have surrendered their lives to Christ, but stopped there. There has been little to no spiritual growth. Your heart is unchanged and holiness is a fashion statement. You still don't know any scripture. Your prayer life is limited to blessing your food. You think worship is lifting your hands during a song at church. You believe anybody who says "the Lord told me", and the Kingdom of God is something you're still trying to locate on a GPS. You're stagnant and you're stuck. God's desire is that we mature in Him and we may be able to recognize and avoid the traps of the wicked. It's time to go to another place in Christ. 

My friends, it's time for us to position ourselves for spiritual growth. No matter what or who is changing around you, if YOU don't change, your spiritual life won't change either. We become spiritually mature by applying and practicing biblical beliefs and strategies. Even if your process has been slow, keep moving. Made some mistakes? His grace is sufficient. Just keep making progress in your walk with Christ. We can no longer afford to live in ignorance, entertain foolishness, and become the catalyst to messiness in and out of the church. I'm speaking the truth in love to you today. I pray you receive it as a Believer growing in maturity. Let's go to another place in Christ. 

Where are you today? I know I'm in another place...

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My Confession: I Refuse to Go Back

"I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back." - Philippians 3:14 MSG

It's too late for cold feet. I put my faith out there and now it's time to commit to the plow. A part of me feels unprepared and the other part feels unequipped, but my trust lies in God, rather than the measly crumbs I bring to the table. I refuse to go back.

Can I confess that there are those days when I can feel His yoke and I'm thinking 'if this is easy, I would sure hate to feel a yoke that's heavy'. And even though His burden is lighter than the one I had, I'm struggling to keep on pushing this plow, 'cause I refuse to go back.

I refuse to go back to the fear or the shame. I refuse to go back to the closet that I hide in when I'm afraid of the success that awaits me outside the door. I'm not going back to pleasing people who could care less about pleasing God. And going back to who I was before He made me into who I am now, isn't even up for consideration. I refuse to go back.

Can I confess that I refuse to go back to the nights filled with anxiety, secretly worried about who's hating on me. I refuse to go back to crawling under a rock when certain names are dropped; I absolutely refuse to go back to making other people feel comfortable by being silent when I should be speaking up. I just simply refuse to go back.

I confess that I'm waving goodbye to all my inhibitions, all my inadequacies, all of my hesitations; I'm a new creation and yes, it's STILL the God in me that lives, moves, and breathes. Moving ahead, with only the promises of God in my view. I refuse to go back.

Just a confession from my heart,

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Lost it All

"Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God." - 1 Samuel 30:6

I'll be the first to admit it; I lost it all. I lost my faith. I lost my joy. I lost my dreams. I lost my fight. I lost my hope. And I nearly lost my life. Everything I thought that gave me definition and affirmation was gone and there was no shortage of folks ready to finish off whatever was left of my broken life. I lost it all, but all was not lost

David found himself in a situation where he lost it all. Not just for himself, but for everybody! Ziklag was burned and all of the women and children had been kidnapped, including his own. As the leader of his men, he found himself in a place of great loss and there was very little mercy for him. It appeared that all was lost, even David's life. I believe someone is reading this who has lost it all and feels like you're looking up from the bottom of the barrel, and you're wondering how are you going to get out of that pit. There may even be a few crabs at the bottom trying to pull you back down, but you can and you will break free. You may have lost it all, but all is not lost.

Just as David strengthened himself in the Lord and recovered ALL. It's time that you put your strength back on and get yours too! You've been through all the stages of grief. You've cried over the loss, gotten angry over it, now put it in the past. God allowed what you had to be destroyed so He could replace it with that which cannot be. I'm prophetically proclaiming today that what you recover will be greater than that which you lost!

You may have lost it all, but it's nothing compared to what you're going to find through Christ! Get your peace of mind! Get your joy back! Get your ministry! Get your financial security! Get your stability! Get your health! Yes, you may have lost it all...I lost it all...but all is NOT lost!

Recovering all,

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

God's Got it!

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you." - Isaiah 43:2

I've been at the point where I've done all I could do. I've cried all night long. I've tried everything I know and it still seemed like nothing was changing. Have you been there? You prayed and cried and the doctor's report didn't get better? You fasted and paid your tithes, but the landlord still put you out on the street? You showed up faithfully every Sunday, Tuesday AND Friday night for church, but the judge still didn't throw out the charges? These heartbreaking moments can often leave us feeling like fatherless children left to fend for ourselves, but God is not a fairy godmother, a genie in a bottle, nor a lucky leprechaun. He has never promised us an easy pain-free life. What He did promise was to be with us through the turbulence of life, the storms that rage, and through the fire that burns, simply because we are His. Stop worrying yourself into an early grave...God's got it.

It benefits us to be mindful that the Lord our God is our Jehovah Sabaoth. He is the Lord of Hosts, a mighty Deliverer. As David sang in Psalm 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all". He will be with you when you pass through tough times, you will not be alone. He will not allow your troubles to overflow you, so there's no need to take your own life.  And if you find yourself smack dab in the middle of a fire, you will not be burned and not even a lick of the flames will scorch you! What was meant to destroy you, God will use to rebuild, restore, and refresh you. God will take care of His own, and that means He will take care of you! Lift your hands to the Lord in a peaceful surrenderance and release all your cares to Him today! God's got it!

With hands, heart & faith lifted in Christ,

Tracy Gale

This week's Tuesday Morning Encouragement inspired by:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Who Gon' Check Me Boo?

"For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged." - 1 Corinthians 11:31

I've seen so much about judging lately: don't judge me because my sins are different than yours; Judge not; Don't judge me; Stop judging me; Judge yourself before you judge others; Don't judge me if I (you fill in the blank) and the list goes on and on. There's apparently not very much judging desired these days. With that in mind, I have just one question: who's gonna check YOU boo?

In the 11th chapter of 1 Corinthians, the apostle Paul addressed obnoxious and rude behavior as well as inappropriate conduct during the observance of the Lord's Supper. Folks knew what to do, they just didn't want to do it. It was apparent that the person who started to deviate from structure had no one to check him, but Paul refused to remain silent on the foolishness and had to address the issue on point to establish order. He had to check them. Are you willing to be checked boo?

I've seen tattoos and t-shirts that promote the saying "God is my judge". And if this is true, then who is your god? Because if He is the Lord Jesus Christ as described in His word, there is no way He's happy with your double lifestyle, your prideful heart, or your hateful ways. Who's gon' check you boo? God is. And though He chastens those He loves, the chastening does NOT feel pleasant or enjoyable. Why not correct yourself? We are living in a society that despises order. It encourages our young (and old) to say what you want, wear (or don't wear) what you like, do what you feel and dare the next person to say anything about it because they're not perfect either. Some even treat God the same way by refusing to live by His word or twisting it up so badly that it is beyond the recognition of truth. In essence, you are telling the most high judge that you are above His judgement. How dangerous a life to live.

Most of the time, we are just like the church of Corinth...we already know what's right, we just don't want to do it. We know what's holy, we just don't want to live it. Stop trying to make God fit into your way of thinking and allow Him to transform your mind to His. When that happens, checkin' yourself will become a whole lot easier and others judging you won't even be an issue. Who gon' check you boo? YOU are!

Got myself in check,

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chasing After You

As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God. - Psalm 42:1

I'll admit it. I can't stop watching the Playmaker videos on YouTube for quick comic relief about black church parody. As a matter of fact, the most recent video I watched was called "Chasing After You", a flip on the popular gospel song by Vashawn Mitchell. After I was able to calm myself from laughing hysterically, it made me think...how many people are REALLY chasing after GOD?

Recently, I heard a young lady spit a mouthful of expletives, reference the fact that she's only interested in sex and money, and all that she can get out of a man only to finish her rant by declaring herself a woman of God. I wonder why she would think that? While I don't claim to know her personal reason, I do know that there are tons of people who feel the same way about God and their behavior shows it. Rather than chasing after the person of God, they're really only chasing after what God can do for them and what He can offer. The love claimed for God is truly one that is conditional and superficial rather than the unconditional sacrificial love Jesus showed for us on the cross.

We sing that song "Lord, if You never do another thing for me, You've already done enough", yet we continue to approach the Throne of God daily with a laundry lists of wants and desires. We live our lives choosing holiness like an option on Jeopardy instead of a lifestyle of obedience to God, and ready to give up when we don't get our way with God. It's time to stop the chase. Stop chasing the heart of a man. Stop chasing the money. Stop chasing the fame. Stop chasing the prestige. Stop chasing the bed of a woman. Stop chasing God's hands and not His heart. Just stop. The only chase we should be on is that which produces panting and thirsting after God, where our only resolve of getting our thirst quenched and hunger filled is by being in His presence.

My friends, I encourage you to consider your chase today. Are you chasing after your next blessing? Your next season of favor? Your next season of shifting? Or are you chasing after the authentic presence of God without any conditions attached? Stop the chase after all that matters not, and start the chase that leads into the presence of God.

Chasing after YOU and You alone God,

Tracy Gale

P.S. -Here's the video that made me laugh:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Better Than Sex

Then the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. -Luke 1:30

Can you imagine being Mary? I mean, most of us can't handle the gossip and the rejection even when we ARE guilty of the accusation. Here she is a virgin engaged to be married and she becomes pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Can somebody say pass me a 'straight jacket'? But Mary accepted the call on her life and she walked out the path God chose for her without fear, but with much favor.

As Believers, we are versions of "Mary", given the amazing assignment to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the earth. But, in many cases, our witness has been destroyed, our character is being questioned, and we're on the brink of miscarriage. All because we've allowed fear to disqualify God's favor upon our lives. What if Mary had chosen not to be the conduit in which our beloved Jesus Christ was born, but rather wanted to save her reputation, save herself from the embarassment and the gossip, and wait to consummate with Joseph on their wedding night? For Mary, being chosen by God was better than sex.

What is God's divine purpose for your life better than? Is God's divine purpose for your life better than sex? Money? Fame? Celebrity? Pride? What is it that you want more than the favor of God? It might be good to you, but not good for you. Let me tell you, the favor of God is better than all of those things and then some.

My brothers and sisters, whatever has you distracted and operating in disobedience against the will of God for your life isn't worth you losing out on the dynamic gift of God's favor. Can it really be so good and so wonderful that you would rather choose to embrace it than your destiny in Christ? I sure hope not. Mark 8:36 says it all: "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?"

Believing that NOTHING is better than the FAVOR of God,

Tracy Gale

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You Qualify!

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus - Philippians 3:14
Watching 2012 Olympic runner, Oscar Pistorius, race in the 400-meter semifinal was astounding. As a double amputee, Pistorius has carbon-fiber blades in place of feet and ankles. Pistorius made history by qualifying to compete against the world’s fastest men. We witnessed more than a race, we witnessed a man refuse to accept limitations, ignore the stigma, and defeat the odds. While I celebrated through tears, I was reminded that regardless of the thoughts of others, the lack of support or acknowledgement…we do qualify to get in the race.

I looked at Pistorius and wondered how many of us have been rejected and ridiculed by our peers; discounted and made to be the punchline of many jokes. It would seem that your life screams “least likely to succeed”. Maybe you don’t have the testimony that your life has been perfect, seamless, and easy. I know I don’t. Experiencing life changing occurrences such as the death of loved ones, divorce, and health challenges can cause many to feel like the promise of God will never be fulfilled in your lives. We can easily feel inferior to others who have no idea what we’ve walked through just to get out of bed every day. And despite your debilitation, I want you to receive this life-changing word today…you qualify.

You qualify because Jesus Christ lives in you. You qualify because the blood of Jesus has cleansed you from all sin. I challenge you today to get your purpose off of the shelf, and out of the box that it was put in. I know this is wrong, and that’s not right, and this is broken, and that’s not fixed. I know this one won’t help, and that one laughed, and this one lied, and that one is unfaithful, but according to Matthew 19:26, with men it is impossible, with God all things are possible! Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the divine strategy for your situation and watch Him provide every type of assistance you need for success through Christ.

I hope to never forget the smile on the face of Pistorius. I’m certain it wiped the smile off the face of every person who’d ever doubted his ability to qualify. Press toward the mark today and refuse to accept any limitations put on your life. Shut the door on the stigma from your past and press on to run the race set before you. After all, you’ve already qualified to run it. Success to you my brothers & sisters in Christ!

Qualified to run,

Tracy Gale

Talk is Cheap

Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. – Ephesians 4:29 (MSG)

According to Ephesians 4:29, each word is a gift. With that being said, are you the person in the room giving the best gifts or are you the one giving cheap gifts every time you speak? I recently watched a movie about a man who said a lot, but his words were empty and surface. His life became symbolic with a tree, and for every word spoken, the tree lost a leaf until it was almost bare. It left me wondering if we had trees, just how many leaves would be left on ours?

And if you’re plugged into social media networks, you’ll find that there are a lot of people spending time every day spilling meaningless words laced with empty thoughts to people they barely have a relationship with…talking cheap. There are a few valuable pearls of wisdom, but you have to wade through the clams to find them. In the words of my Mississippian father, “you talkin, but you ain’t sayin nothin”.

I am thankful that we serve a God whose words are powerful, effective and true. The bible says that God’s word doesn’t return to him unaccomplished. He doesn’t waste His words and just as He spoke in the days of old, He continues to speak today. His words are everlasting and unlimited. He is like an eternal tree with unlimited leaves.

Truthfully, we are trees with limited leaves and we are limited to the words we speak within our lifetime. After we die, only the words we’ve already spoken remain. When you leave a conversation, a room, or even a friendship, what words do you want to leave behind? Let’s be meaningful, purposeful, and passionate about the words we share in prayer as well as the words we share with each other. Focus on speaking what is helpful, and give people good gifts when you speak, rather than cheap conversation.

My prayer is that the words I’ve shared with you have been received as good gifts :0)

Tracy Gale

Got a Word?

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad - Proverbs 12:25

And not just any word, but a good word? If you’re already facing a monster of a situation, you don’t need Sally & Steve speaking doubt and unbelief in your ear. Proverbs 12:25 tells us that anxiety in the heart causes depression. We must be careful who we allow to speak a “word” to our hearts. Not every word spoken is a good word. Proverbs 25:11 (MSG) says that the right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry…valuable.

Let’s not settle for just any old word, but seek the face of the Lord for a good word that will lift up our spirit and become the catalyst of increased hope in Christ. My good word for you today is Psalm 66:10-12. Right now you may be enduring a test and your faith is being tried by the Lord. Funds may be lack, bills may be due, family may be stressed, and body may be weak. BUT, trust in the Lord that His ultimate destination for you is to come out on top and step right into a wealthy place. Whew! I receive that one for myself! Don’t just settle for just any word, get in the presence of the Lord and get a GOOD word for yourself!

I got a good word & I’m glad about it!

Tracy Gale

You’re a Winner!

“I returned and saw under the sun that– The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.” -Ecclesiates 9:11

My husband is a runner. I don’t think I paid quite as much attention to running until supporting him during his races. I used to think that it bothered him greatly that he didn’t seem to come in first. I mean, the whole point is to win the race, right? It wasn’t until I walked my first 5K that I got the vision. As I huffed and puffed my way to the finish, I realized I was the last person on the route. The race was through a neighborhood, so there were people out on their porches and in their yards watching as participants ran or walked by. One man said to me “You’re making me feel bad! I should be out there.” It was then that I realized why coming in first was just a bonus. I was already a winner because I was IN the race. I came in last place that day, but I couldn’t have felt more powerful! I gave it all I had and I FINISHED!

What is stopping you today from getting in the race that Christ has set before you? It doesn’t matter if you’re the first to do what you’ve been called to do. What matters mostis that you are DOING it! You’re already a WINNER because you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ. Don’t be hindered or distracted by the others in the race, you’ve got to run your own. Jesus Christ has already prepared you with the grace you need to jump every hurdle and hit the mark. This is your race, now run it well. #FinishLine

I’m in the race, how about you?

Tracy Gale