Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Lost it All

"Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God." - 1 Samuel 30:6

I'll be the first to admit it; I lost it all. I lost my faith. I lost my joy. I lost my dreams. I lost my fight. I lost my hope. And I nearly lost my life. Everything I thought that gave me definition and affirmation was gone and there was no shortage of folks ready to finish off whatever was left of my broken life. I lost it all, but all was not lost

David found himself in a situation where he lost it all. Not just for himself, but for everybody! Ziklag was burned and all of the women and children had been kidnapped, including his own. As the leader of his men, he found himself in a place of great loss and there was very little mercy for him. It appeared that all was lost, even David's life. I believe someone is reading this who has lost it all and feels like you're looking up from the bottom of the barrel, and you're wondering how are you going to get out of that pit. There may even be a few crabs at the bottom trying to pull you back down, but you can and you will break free. You may have lost it all, but all is not lost.

Just as David strengthened himself in the Lord and recovered ALL. It's time that you put your strength back on and get yours too! You've been through all the stages of grief. You've cried over the loss, gotten angry over it, now put it in the past. God allowed what you had to be destroyed so He could replace it with that which cannot be. I'm prophetically proclaiming today that what you recover will be greater than that which you lost!

You may have lost it all, but it's nothing compared to what you're going to find through Christ! Get your peace of mind! Get your joy back! Get your ministry! Get your financial security! Get your stability! Get your health! Yes, you may have lost it all...I lost it all...but all is NOT lost!

Recovering all,

Tracy Gale


  1. Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it, Love it! Needed it, Needed it, Needed it, Needed it, Needed it, NEEDED IT!!!!!!!!

  2. So glad to know that all is not lost!
