Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm In My Period

"So here's what I think: The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart's been in the right place all along. You've got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it." - 2 Corinthians 8:10-11 (MSG)

Before you JUMP all the way to conclusions, please hear me out. Pastor Thomas Benson dropped this relevant seed while recently ministering and I just couldn't shake it: I'm in my period. I asked Pastor Benson to further expound and he said "It's the completion of a thing. There is no comma, the work is complete." May I submit that not only am I in my period, that many of you are IN your period too? Don't let your mind wander too far and this just might bless you too!

Many of us vowed to finish strong in 2012. We pressed to achieve long-term objectives connected to our destinies, and yet the work is incomplete. We've experienced delays, pauses, and have been placed on-hold so many times that we sing along with the hold music. Don't get too comfortable. It's time to refuse to live in the "commas" of life and see that vision exponentially manifest. 

It's not about whether or not it's your time. If you are a Kingdom believer of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is ALWAYS your time! It's not even about whether it's your turn. The bible says that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. In either case, you are STILL in line! 

What purpose has God given you that has yet to come to pass? What steps has He ordained for you to take that you've haven't already made? Who has God placed in your path to help you advance and you have yet to contact them? What resources has God provided that are waiting for you to tap in to? It's time to get in your period and complete the work! 

Maybe you've been more than willing, but just not able because of the enemy's attack on your life. Satan has a way of wearing us out and down to the point of surrender. As your sister in Christ, I refuse to let you surrender your divine destiny! Today, I stand with you as an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ and take authority over every demonic assignment that has plagued your life. The work that was begun in your life shall be performed, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Beloved, be encouraged today. Be empowered to achieve. Be enlightened by the Word of God. For His promises are yes and amen!

I'm IN my period & completing the work! How about you?

*Welcome new readers in South Korea*

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baggage Fees

"For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you
no greater burden than these necessary things" - Acts 15:28

My bestfriend and I celebrated her birthday during a trip to Atlanta, Georgia a few years ago. The airline allowed two carry-on bags and the first suitcase was free if it weighed under 50 pounds. On the way to Hotlanta, I had no problems at all. My purse and laptop were carried on as trip necessities and my luggage was well under weight. We made it to our destination safely and had a blast! Of course we shopped a little along the way. Who can visit Atlanta without shopping, right? By the end of the trip, the same suitcase I checked at no charge was now going to cost me $50 to get home for being one pound too heavy! I was floored! My BFF and I shifted some items, tossed unneeded boxes and bags and finally, my suitcase was just light enough to leave the state without extra baggage fees. Now consider your baggage.

How much unnecessary baggage are you carrying around with you? When you went into the situation you were light and free. Now you're bogged down and in bondage. Many are carrying around loads, bags, boxes, and even cases of things you picked up along the way that the Holy Spirit is trying to free of from. We are carrying anything from old wives' tales, to broken relationships, to ungodly attitudes. How much does it cost to carry your bags from station to station in your life? Has the fee to have all of this baggage reached it's maximum limit? Are you ready to release the heavy weight of things you've picked up along the way that you no longer really need?

The Lord desires to do a new thing in your life, but you only need the essentials on this trip. It's pretty difficult to have a new mind if you're still holding on to old thought patterns. It's nearly impossible to have a new life when you're comfortable and unwilling to let go of the old. You have a choice and it's simple. Unload your bags and lighten the load or pay the cost to carry them. What will you choose?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Broken Arrows

"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach goodtidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted , to proclaim liberty to thecaptives , and the opening of the prison to them that are bound" - Isaiah 61:1
I admit...I enjoy some aspects of social media networking. There are lots of advantages, but I've found one disadvantage that is often quite disturbing to me. It's encountering all of the broken arrows hanging around the outer courts of cyberspace, laying around their targets, having missed the bulls eye. You know. The broken arrows who live and breath to record YouTube and Social Cam clips, sitting around all day trying to think of clever Facebook and Twitter statuses in hopes of obtaining a gazillion "likes" and "tweets". It's the broken arrows hosting conferences and revivals, giving themselves highfalutin titles without the anointing or appointing of the Lord.

Not only the internet, but our streets are filled with broken arrows. Broken arrows are people who have had their purpose poisoned. They are the bitter and the bruised. They are the unteachable, untrainable, and unmoldable. They live in their potential, but their present is a reminder of their painful past. The broken arrows.

A broken arrow in the hand of a professional archer is still a broken arrow. In order for the arrow to make it's mark, the arrow must be aerodynamically prepared to do so. A slight bend in the arrow's head, shaft or even the fletching, will cause the arrow to miss the target. As our brother's and sister's keeper, we must be reminded that when they are overtaken by a fall, it's our responsibility to restore them.

Those who are healed and whole, as Isaiah 61 so eloquently expresses, we need to arise as representatives of the Kingdom of God. Let's stop walking over the broken arrows. Let's pick them up and bind up their wounds. Let's replenish their spiritual health and restore their hope in the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. We not only need new soldiers in the army of the Lord, we need to heal and restore the ones we have.

God's blessings to you!

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, January 1, 2013



"Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in." - Joshua 6:1 NKJV

Happy New Year!

And it shall be! 2013 is our year of BREAK OUT! We have been imprisoned long enough by thoughts of our past, fear of defeat, and intimidated by rejection. Your dreams and visions have been on lock. Your hope and joy have been in solitary confinement and your destiny has been chained & bound. It's time for a BREAK OUT! No more CHAINS on your thangs!

The children of Israel broke down the walls of Jericho, but they weren't just trying to get in. It was a move to BREAK OUT their promise from God! The promise was manifested, but it was inaccessible to them because of the walls. Do you realize that they marched around the walls a total of 13 times: one time for 6 days and seven times on the 7th day! Not only did they break in, there was a BREAK OUT!

Listen, I'm believing God for a 2013 BREAK OUT in the following 13 areas:
1. Life-changing Dreams
2. Prophetic Visions
3. Divine Deliverance
4. The Lost Reconciling with God
5. Excellent Health
6. Increased Finances
7. Fruition of God's Promises
8. Authentic Ministry
9. Multiple Income Streams
10. Elevated Thinking
11. Supernatural Strategies
12. Kingdom Connections
13. Another Level of Prophetic Anointing

You can use my list or create your own, but whatever you do, plan your BREAK OUT now! Utilize the authority and access you've been given and command a divine release of what God has ordained for YOU!

Excuse me while I execute my BREAK OUT!

Prophetess Tracy Gale Thornton