Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sick On Tradition

"making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do." - Mark 7:13

Browsing through online news articles, I came across a story about a wedding celebration in the Ukraine that put the phrase "in sickness and in health" to the test. As a Ukrainian tradition, massive amounts of dishes are prepared to celebrate as a community over a course of several days. It is believed that lack of refrigeration space for all of the food caused wedding guests including the bride to be sickened with food poisoning and hospitalized. The traditions of men can make a bride sick. Just ask the Bride of Christ.

Many struggle with whether or not the word of God is real, accurate, true or if it is effective. In Mark chapter 7, Jesus warned that the very traditions of men lessen the impact and effectiveness of the word of God. We make concessions because we love people and we shudder to think about the consequences that may be attached to the actions committed. We compromise to make others feel comfortable instead of allowing the conviction of the word to be the rule instead of the exception. All too often in our churches, we place the tradition of men over God-given common sense and reject what we know is truth to embrace manipulation powered by popular opinion and peer pressure. The Bride is sick. 

The Bride has become sickened as she gobbles high amounts of rotting compromise. She knowingly feasts on the delicacies of poisoned theories and hypothetical conclusions unsupported by scripture. The Bride is doubled over in pain as she regurgitates the waste-covered sweet nothings instead of the word of God she has ingested. She reeks of the stench of sin and her gown is stained with remnants of the rejection of swallowing what is not to be consumed. All in the name of tradition. 

The only remedy, the only solution that will help the Bride recover is the unadulterated, unequivocal word of God. Lifting the word of God over every opinion of man, every lust-driven, sin-filled desire to appease the flesh rather than a sacrificial holy life. The medicine is strong, but it will cure every ailment, sickness and disease. Hebrews 4:12 says "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.". 

Well wishes to the Bride....her groom comes.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” – Deuteronomy 30:19

Swaportunity - "the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for Yoplait Light." Yoplait has created a word for trading what seems to be a lesser choice, but is actually a better choice. When was the last time you swapped your high calorie snack for something lighter? And I don’t mean food. I’m talking about high calorie sin snacks.

High calorie sin snacks are the ginormous lifestyle defects that started out as recreational, turned into habitual, and now make up the definition of your character. High calorie sin snacks fill you up quickly and leave you hungry for more, because sin can never be satisfied. That’s why you find yourself opening the door after that familiar 2 a.m. knock without even thinking about it. That’s why you can’t seem to keep your mouth off of people and your nose out of their business. Continued indulgence of high calorie sin snacks will develop into full-blown meals of self-pride, the lusting of children, unforgiving of others, embezzlement from those who trust you, secret hatred of your own brother, secret drunkenness, and concealed drug abuse. Your flesh is getting hungrier for sin rather than for righteousness. That’s why you struggle to pray, you fight to truly worship, and your bible is merely a collection of passages you memorize to impress. Your body is being entertained and indulged while your spirit man suffers from the weight and heaviness of your sin. It’s time to consider a swaportunity!

For all that sin you’ve packed on and become comfortable with carrying, Jesus has a better choice for you today. It may not seem the like choice you want because you will have to sacrifice those killer snacks your body has become accustomed to. The “lighter” choice that Jesus has to offer will leave you with zero guilt after drenching yourself in the Holy Spirit. Making a swaportunity for righteousness gives you the freedom to indulge in His presence and feel as light as a feather when you come out!

Brothers and sisters in the Lord, I want to encourage you to take some swaportunities today. Swap your sorrow for joy! Swap your ashes for beauty! Swap your sickness for pain! Swap the spirit of heaviness for the garment of praise! Above all, swap ungodliness for that which is holy! As Deuteronomy 30:19 offers you the chance to make the swaportunity of a lifetime, the swap should be simple: choose life. There’s no swaportunity better than that. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I'm About to TURN UP!

"My soul shall make its boast in the Lord; The humble shall hear of it and be glad" - Psalm 34:2

Have you ever been through times so trying, so difficult, so excruciating, that you said something like "when I come out of this I'm gonna dance a jig"? How about being in the middle of the press, but knowing God had already ordained your exit strategy so you stopped, dropped and praised Him like it was nobody's business? Yes, some of you are no strangers to getting "TURNT UP"!

Don't get concerned, I haven't lost my spell check capabilities or slipped into an ebonics coma. But, if you spend any time around urban teens, you may have heard the phrase "I'm about turn up!" If you don't know what it means, let me explain in "grown folk" terminology. It means that it's time to celebrate without holding back or quieting down. It means to let loose and have a good time without worrying about who's watching or who's listening. And while the phrase "turnt up" may be a passing catch-all, the act of getting "turnt up" has been happening for centuries! And I'm about to TURN UP now! 

I can't help but to get '"turnt up" about the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God that I serve! As David wrote in Psalm 34 when his life was spared yet again, "I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually be in my mouth"! The best part about Believers getting "turnt up" is that we don't need drugs to get high, we live the HIGH life 24/7 by the power of the Holy Spirit! Who needs alcoholic bubbly when we have the naba of the Holy Spirit bubbling up and overflowing? I can feel the joy of the Lord bursting through my soul! I'm about to TURN UP!

Let's not wait for the world to get quiet, let's show them how the Kingdom has been turning up for years! Come on and TURN UP your voice to tehillah (sing) and make it heard for the glory of the Lord! TURN UP your music and kara (dance) before God without caring if anybody else is dancing with you! TURN UP your praise and bless God even if you're still in the midst of your miracle! TURN UP your faith and SEE yourself set free! It's time for Believers everywhere to TURN UP! An explosion of celebration is about to hit your life and mine! I'm about to TURN UP! Will you TURN UP with me?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

You're About to Turn GREEN!

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." - Ephesians 3:20

One of my favorite Marvel comic characters is the Hulk. As a child watching the old TV series (I'm dating myself), I was always fascinated by how a mild mannered scientist would be provoked week after week to transform into this strong, powerful man of green just after someone made him angry. David Banner seemed fearful to release the power of the Hulk and would rather live a life of seclusion and obscurity to protect his true identity. 

I've come to realize that there are some David Banners in the Body of Christ. Endowed with strength and power, anointed with authority and dominion, they choose to tuck their true identity away rather than to reveal to the world who they really are. They suppress the explosive power of the Holy Spirit living within so they can live a life of acceptance rather than living an exceptional lifeFearing rejection, betrayal, envy and jealousy they move from place to place, friends to friends, relationships to relationships as to not draw attention to the potential that burns underneath their skin. On the verge of turning GREEN, they're constantly running from the monster hunters. 

The monster hunters were the ones searching for the Hulk to kill him without regard or explanation simply because they feared his strength. Spiritual monster hunters will try to force their fears and their insecurities upon you because the threat of your potential is too great for them to handle. Your light will shine too bright for their dark souls. Like Banner's famous line, "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry", we need to become angry. Angry that we have for too long been intimidated, rejected, and ridiculed and feel unsafe to excel or achieve among those we have surrounded ourselves with. Can you feel the power inside? Watch out now, you're about to turn GREEN

What's GREEN? Greatness Releasing Exponential Elevation Now!

Banner was a fictional character just like his Hulk identity, but you...you are real. You are the vessel in which God chose to impart the expression of His very essence of power! Isn't it our responsibility, our assignment, our destiny to exude every ounce of magnificence within us that was gifted by our Creator, no matter how uncomfortable others may be? It's time for you to turn GREEN! Your willingness to shine without apology may provoke someone else to live up to their potential to shine along with you and in doing so, can you imagine the amount of Christlike illumination it would bring to the world!

Friends, I'm excited about you turning GREEN! I'm ready for the Greatness of God to be Released to levels of Exponential Elevation in your life NOW!! And I hope you're ready for me!

I'm turning GREEN too!

Tracy Gale

Just in case you missed the trailer in the 70s :0)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Praying Today...

"and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:7

"Father, we pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that Your peace would surround all who is effected directly and indirectly with by the storms. We know that our understanding is limited compared to your infinite knowledge and wisdom, so Lord where there is a lack of understanding, we ask for divine peace. Father, heal hearts today, provide resources, and comfort the mourning. These things we ask in Your name today...amen."


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Strong, Courageous and Determined

"It is a joy for the just to do justice, But destruction will come to the workers of iniquity."
- Proverbs 21:15

This encouragement is dedicated to mothers who embrace purpose in the midst of the pain; mothers who won't let the memories of their children fade like old newspaper articles; mothers who aren't afraid to speak their names until their children are recognized for more than a tragedy, but a triumph; the fierce mothers. 

This encouragement is dedicated to the mothers everywhere who mourn; the mothers who ache; the mothers who hurt; the mothers who long; the mothers who wait. Mothers who hold on to the love and memories of their beloved children. The mothers laying awake at night wondering why, when, where, how, and even who?

This encouragement is dedicated to mothers whose dreams of justice drive them to cry aloud and spare not to anyone who will hear their petition; the mothers who stand in the gates, in the courts, on the streets and demand justice for ALL our children and not just their own; the mothers who dream. 

I dedicate this Mother's Day to you. My strong, courageous and determined mothers. God's continued strength and peace to you on Mother's Day. 

A special dedication to my friend & sister, Tracey Peppers-Mitchell, founder of Mothers Overcoming Violence Everywherehttp://www.mothersovercomingviolence.org/ and to Ms. Gonnie Goins of Hearts Healing Hearts, LLC. Thank you for being the mothers you are!

Tracey & her son Brandyn - Read Brandyn's story

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Snow in the Spring

"yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior." - Habakkuk 3:18
Spring has been delayed. Trees have not only failed to bloom, folks are shoveling snow in places that normally cut grass this time of the year. Many of our lives resemble these uncomfortable and often irritating moments where everything seems to be happening out of season. What will you do with snow in the spring? There are projects you've been working on and yet they have seemed to stall out. You've anxiously awaited a bumper crop on your harvest, but have awakened to a season of crop failure. What in the world is going on? While there are various answers to this question, the constant resolve should be the same: In spite of _______ (you fill in the blank), I WILL rejoice!
The most astonishing experience happens when you choose to praise instead of ponder; when you choose to worship instead of worry; when you choose faith over fear! When you make a choice to surrender your expectations to the Lord in exchange for whatever He may have for your life right now. Habakkuk didn't leave a stone unturned when he says, "Though the cherry trees don't blossom and the strawberries don't ripen, Though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields stunted, Though the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns empty". When all else seems to fail, when discouragement is the only language spoken in your midst, choose joy!
What will you do with snow in the spring? Go for a ride in a sled! Shovel it or make snow angels! Just realize that complaining, stressing, and cussing about it will not make the snow melt and go away. Your issues will not disappear because you don't like them. Your trial will not end because you don't feel like going through it. So instead of fighting against a no-win situation, throw your hands up to the Lord and give Him an "anyhow" praise! Before you know it, God will have lifted you high above your challenge, high above your obstacles and seated you in a high place! What will you do with snow in the spring? Worship the Lord and watch it melt!
Choosing to WORSHIP,
Tracy Gale

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You Don't Have to Answer

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. - Revelation 3:20

Enjoying a couple of quiet hours alone, there was a knock at the door. I wasn't expecting company so imagine my disappointment when I reached the door and realized that it was a salesman offering a service that I didn't need or care to hear about. I'd had experience with the company recently and had changed my services to a new provider. I smiled through the glass pane by the door and simply said "Thanks, but I'm not interested". As I walked away casually, I could hear him compelling me to open the door so he could share some new information with me about their services and even asked me to confirm the residential name he had listed for me. I continued to return to my sweet time of relaxation having realized that just because there was a knock, I did not have to answer. 

Too many times we are stressed out and ready to fight with just about everyone who makes a demand on our time and attention. Undeserving they may be, we have allowed them to suck up valuable, irreplaceable time, energy, and even money. Every request doesn't deserve a response and every question doesn't demand a reply. You simply don't have to answer. 

You don't have to answer to the voice of the enemy when he comes creeping into your ear whispering thoughts of death and dismay. You don't have to answer the one who cries 'wolf' who has all of the resources at reach, but wishes for you to simply serve it to them. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer every prying, nosy person who salivates at the thought of peeking into your past so they can predict the demise of your future. You don't have to answer. 

Do yourself a favor and stop answering the knocks of so many people who are interrupting your peace of mind about so many things that are irrelevant, unimportant or just plain stupid. The only knock you really want to answer is the one from Jesus. He stands at the door waiting to experience koinonia with you, to be the friend that only He can be. Unlike the unwanted salesman at my door trying to take up my time, my energy and my money, Jesus comes bearing gifts when He knocks. When Jesus knocks, He brings peace with Him! He brings joy instead of sorrow! Instead of ashes, He brings you beauty! You don't have to answer, but when Jesus comes a knocking, if I were you...I would!

Peace & Blessings!

Tracy Gale

*P.S. I just realized that The Tuesday Morning Encouragement is 10 YEARS OLD!!! Praise God!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

If You Love Me

"If you love Me, keep My commandments." - John 14:15

One of biggest lies in Christianity is "Lord I love you more than anything". It's a lie that Jesus acknowledged in Matthew 15:8 when He said "these people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me." The ultimate expression of our committed love to Jesus is to keep His commandments. To think holy, live holy, breath holy, be holy.

Do you really love Jesus? I mean, do you love Him enough to sacrifice the things and people you want to have, just to please Him with a lifestyle of appreciation for what He has for you? I can hear Jesus saying now, "If you love Me, you'll give up that unhealthy addiction; If you love Me, why do you have that number on speed dial?; If you love Me why do you fight My will so much." If you love Me. 

Many times, Jesus is being "loved" out of convenience and circumstance. It's like that relationship people have when you can't be with the one you really want to be with, so you settle for the one who wants to be with you. Your actions are speaking so loudly that Jesus can't hear what you're saying. Your mouth is moving and it's saying "Jesus I love You", but your actions are indulging in sinful lifestyles and entertaining demonic influence. You're saying "Jesus, I love you more than anything", and the next thing you do is compromise your faith and freedom for the failure of your flesh. And the commandments of the Lord are yet to be fulfilled and honored from your life. 

Preaching and teaching the Word is wonderful, but living it is even better! Singing and shouting is great, but living in the Spirit is phenomenal! If you love Him, don't just talk about it, sing about it, or preach about it...KEEP His commandments through your lifestyle. 

You'll know when you truly love Jesus with your whole heart. It's when everything you strive for in life becomes the backdrop of the main event...being with Jesus. It's those moments when you realize that the only person who really loves you unconditionally is Jesus...and you're content with that fact. It's when you arrive at the conclusion that you can walk away from everything you have and know that you'll still have everything you need in Him. That's when you know you really love Him. Do you really love Him today? I know I do. 

Let's pray:
Jesus, we ask that You forgive us for every time we professed our love for You, but our actions and heart did not reflect the same. Lord, we pray that You would fill our hearts with Your love. We desire to love You in Spirit and in Truth. It's our desire to show You how much we truly love You by keeping Your commandments, keeping Your word. We thank You for Your grace and mercy that has covered thus far. We ask You these things in Your name Jesus...amen!

Learning to love Him right,

Tracy Gale
Let this be true when you sing it:

Join me for these Upcoming Experiences!
Visit www.TracyGale.com  to hear my NEW jingle!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Don't Fall Back

Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. - Isaiah 43:19
Not long ago, many regions across the world changed the time on our clocks. We were told to "spring forward" by setting our clocks ahead one hour, rather than to "fall back" an hour. In this season, it's important that we set an identical standard in the spirit. Whatever you do right now, just don't fall back. 

Even the fall season gives most people a feeling of relaxation and comfort. I hear more people complaining about "losing" one hour during the spring that I do about getting a little extra sleeping time in the fall. It's time to wake up and be about your Father's business. It's time to lay aside that extra weight spiritual weight that slows you down. Whatever you do right now, just don't fall back.
The catastrophic mistake of falling back when you should be springing forward can cost you precious time that cannot be recovered. Can you imagine showing up an hour late to the airport after your flight has taken off? Showing up an hour late at a job interview could cost you a new career. Yet, we are comfortable dragging our feet when it comes to the assignments of God. Lord, help us not to fall back.
Falling back is what we do when the mission seems impossible. We fall back when it's more comfortable to stay the same than to press ahead and watch God work. Falling back becomes a pattern when we can't turn the light on in a dark situation because we're walking by faith. Fall back is no longer an option if your desire is to see the exponential manifestation of the glory God in your life. It’s time to accept the new thing God has for you and spring forward. Are you ready to spring forth?
You may be aggravated this morning because you can’t see the blessing in your press; you may be irritated because you can’t see the joy in your suffering; you may be discouraged because you can’t fathom the benefit from the mess, but just as God promised in Isaiah 43, He is performing miracles through your life in this season! He is defining the trailblazer in you by creating pathways in your desert places and springing up new wells to quench your spiritual thirst! Your new thing is springing forth right now!
Are you ready to spring forth? Are you ready for the new thing God wants to do inside of you? It’s time to spring forth! Whatever you do this season, don't fall back.
Springing forth,
Tracy Gale
Join me at these upcoming encounters as I SPRING FORTH!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Bishop Larry A Davis Ministries
Columbus, OH
A Trip To God's House Stage Play
Bethany Christian Church, Columbus, OH
Prophetess Thornton as "1st Lady Wright"
April 5th & 6th, April 12th & 13th
Buy Tickets

Sunday, April 7, 2013
Judah Redeemer Life Changing Ministries Women's Day
Columbus, OH

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Gospel Youth Jam
Columbus, OH

Saturday, May 18, 2013
Happy 'No' Mother's Day
Columbus, OH

Saturday May 25, 2013
Happy 'No' Mother's Day
Tampa, FL

Saturday, June 8, 2013
LIFT Pastor's Wives Gathering
Cleveland, OH

Saturday, August 24, 2013
Remnant for Christ Ministries' Women's Conference
Columbus, OH

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Walking Dead

"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval." - John 6:27

AMC's hit TV show The Walking Dead features zombies that do nothing but walk around from place to place looking for food. They eat, but are never satisfied. They remind me of many who proclaim themselves as Christians. They are unfilled, empty and never satisfied. They are emotionally detached and spiritually broken. They've become dead to any new ideas, any fresh way of thinking, and the only way they can satisfy themselves is to consume you, your hope and your dreams.

Some have entered into the church, but not have allowed Christ to enter into them. They feed off of the latest gossip, spread the biggest lies, and get fulfilled by watching the division between brothers and sisters in the Lord. And at one point in our lives, we too may have been like zombies. Plunging ourselves into sin-filled binges trying to find satisfaction in just one more joint, just one more drink, or just one more sexual partner.  None of these are the true walking dead. They're actually dead men walking.

Let's face it. Sin is insatiable. It is never satisfied and is only fulfilling for a moment. It doesn't matter how long we try to hold on to the moment, it will come to an end; leaving us feeling empty and broken. The promise we have in Jesus is one that fills, completes, and heals.

When we're dead men walking, we are incapable of sensing the move of the Spirit, consistently hearing the voice of the Lord, or seeing the hand of God. We fight with our hands and with weapons that have no avail on the enemy who is against us. But, when we are the walking dead, we move, live and breath in the Spirit! We fight with spiritual weapons that are powerful enough to pull down strongholds and cast out demonic spirits from our presence! Living in the Spirit is living in the fullness of Christ!

The word of God says, "And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness". - Romans 8:10  When you are the walking dead, your life is no longer consumed with feeding your flesh it's sinful desires. Your desires are driven towards only the sustenance that will only fill your spirit. Those who are alive in Christ are the walking dead of a different kind. Where we are dead to our flesh and the deeds of it, but we are alive in Christ!

Dead in the deeds of my sin, but alive in the Spirit of the Living God! I'm so glad to be considered one of the walking dead rather than a dead man walking. How about you?

Alive in Christ,

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tomb Raiders

"knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin." - Romans 6:6

One of the experiences a new Believer in Christ should have is the death of the sinful you. Your old self with its lustful desires, your former sinful life, all of the evil that once separated you from Christ is put to death and you emerge a fresh, new, redeemed you.

And like the artifacts and trinkets that are often buried with those who were once living, so are the attributes that used to define your character. The way you used to feed off the greed that once consumed you...dead. The land of lies and deception where you used to call home...dead. The lust of your eyes, the lust of your flesh and the pride of life you once embraced...all dead. Unless you're a tomb raider.

Tomb raiders collect artifacts from ruins of temples. A tomb raider risks the loss of life in order to gain a piece of the past that lacks the power to release the future. A tomb raider spends their time figuring out how to unearth that which was meant to be lost and never to be found, becoming a slave to the chase. Are you a tomb raider?

Are you still visiting the ruins of your former life? Longing for an experience or the memories of your old self? Do you keep a shovel on hand to dig up the worthless treasures of the old man who was crucified with Christ? 2 Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." Leave that tomb alone. Being a tomb raider will keep you bound to the sin of your past and stumbling away from the divine destiny God has for your life.

Even Jesus who was resurrected from the tomb, has had no reason to go back. There was no reason to revisit the place where he traded His mortal flesh for complete immortality. Embrace that which is eternal. Release that which is temporal. Forget those things which are behind, and press on to obtain the promise God has ahead for you (Philippians 3:13)!

If you're looking for the old me, she has been buried, and I'm no longer visiting the tomb...HE IS RISEN in me and I have risen in Him!

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


PLEASE watch this first:

If someone tells you to "keep steppin" they are implying that you should simply pass them by on your way to your desired destination; pass go, do not stop. That's exactly what I'm saying today. KEEP STEPPIN'! Don't you let another disappointment from your past creep up and steal your joy. Don't let doubt cripple your feet from moving forward into the promises of God. KEEP STEPPIN'!

Most of the problems we have with steppin' is that we want to see every step where God is leading us before we get there. That is not walking by faith. That is surely walking by sight. We also create our own steppin' delays by getting off track and sitting on the side of the road smelling the daisies or we'll even keep steppin' in circles thinking somehow we'll eventually get out. Not gonna happen!

Even when there are times you don't feel like you can take yet another step, KEEP STEPPIN' until you reach the Lord's desired destination for your life! Psalm 37:23 tells us that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. This means that when you're on your faith walk and the Lord is guiding you, understand that those are custom-designed STEPS just for you!

I don't care if you can't see the current outcome of the situation you're in...KEEP STEPPIN'! It doesn't even matter if you've tried before and failed...KEEP STEPPIN'! Assume the position, keep your blindfold on, listen ONLY to the voice of the Lord, and KEEP STEPPIN'! You are STRONGER than what you think! You are destined to WIN and Your FAITH in Christ will help you to reach your destiny.


Tracy Gale

P.S. - If you've never seen the movie Facing the Giants, PLEASE see it as soon as you can!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Best for Last

"Everybody I know begins with their finest wines and after the guests have had their fill brings in the  cheap stuff. But you've saved the best till now!"  - John 2:10

Last to be picked for the team. Last in the lunch line. Last to get service. Last on the bus. Last to be married. Last to get promoted. Last, last, last. Sometimes you feel like you have a sign stuck to your forehead that says "pick me LAST for everything". Being last is looked upon as being so bad, that we forget that even if we FINISH last, at least we FINISHED, while some didn't even cross the finish line. If finishing last has been synonymous with your identity, I want to encourage you today that God has saved the best for last.

In John 2, we find Jesus enjoying himself as a guest at a wedding celebration. It was His mother, Mary, who enlisted His help to keep the wine coming for the guests. Jesus hesitated saying that His time had not yet come, but obliged His mother and turned 6 water pots of water into wine. Not just any old wine either. Jesus turned plain water into fine wine. In essence, the best was saved for last.

My friend, don't let the success of others crowd the space in which you dream, you achieve, and you aspire. Your time may not have yet come, but know that it will. And when the Lord presents you as the gift that you are, no one will say "it's about time". Instead, they're going to wonder where you've been hiding all this time. People may be treating like plain water right now. What they don't know is that they are in the presence of a miracle! He's saving His best for last!

Your destiny in Christ has been established. There's no need to fight your way through to the front. No reason to clamour your way to the top. Your gift will make room for you. The anointing of God over your life will be revealed. God's plan for your life will be accomplished! If people don't know who you are right now, you'd better believe that one day they will! He's saving you for the appointed time. He's saving His best for these last days.

I don't know about you, but I don't mind waiting on God :0)

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

In Honor of My Son

In honor of my son, who is leaving for the US Army today, I wanted to share this TME that was written in 2008. I know it blessed ME all over again!

Spiderman, Sin & Sowing

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. - 1 Corinthians 3:6

As a parent and leader, there are times when I wonder whether the long talks and teachable moments are really sinking in, or are they going in one ear and oozing out the other along with the wax. As Father and Creator, God also desires a true relationship with us, that we are truly embracing His instruction and walking out the principles imparted into our lives.

Recently, I realized my children are really getting an understanding of the Kingdom of God for themselves and it was dynamic. While playing Spiderman 3, my son toyed with the creepy black substance that turns Spiderman into a cold-hearted villain rather than the warm-hearted hero he is really supposed to be. On the video game, one pressed button latches the black gel to Spidey and makes it impossible to remove without maneuvering a sequence of several buttons. Try getting it off without the right sequence and zap! It is right back on.

My son then asked if he could share with our youth ministry class that the black substance is just like SIN: easy to get on, hard to get off. But, with the right combination of prayer and the Word of God, we can be freed from its grip! After I picked myself up off the floor from hearing this revelation (smile), I thanked God for the manifestation of prayer. No, they are not perfect little angels. They have messy rooms, they hate washing dishes and they think homework is a punishment. But, they have a relationship with God, which means the Gospel of Jesus Christ is getting through and being applied.

I not only want to encourage you today to continue to teach, to train, to lead and to instruct, but I also want to encourage you to learn, to obey, to follow and to study. You may not have children, but maybe God has given you authority to lead others and to raise them up in the Kingdom. It may not seem like what you are saying is getting through, but know that it is. Keeping planting and watering and let God give the increase.

Tracy Gale
Today, I'm a very proud Mama who is choosing to trust God to finish what He started in my son's life. Will you pray with me for his safety?


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm In My Period

"So here's what I think: The best thing you can do right now is to finish what you started last year and not let those good intentions grow stale. Your heart's been in the right place all along. You've got what it takes to finish it up, so go to it." - 2 Corinthians 8:10-11 (MSG)

Before you JUMP all the way to conclusions, please hear me out. Pastor Thomas Benson dropped this relevant seed while recently ministering and I just couldn't shake it: I'm in my period. I asked Pastor Benson to further expound and he said "It's the completion of a thing. There is no comma, the work is complete." May I submit that not only am I in my period, that many of you are IN your period too? Don't let your mind wander too far and this just might bless you too!

Many of us vowed to finish strong in 2012. We pressed to achieve long-term objectives connected to our destinies, and yet the work is incomplete. We've experienced delays, pauses, and have been placed on-hold so many times that we sing along with the hold music. Don't get too comfortable. It's time to refuse to live in the "commas" of life and see that vision exponentially manifest. 

It's not about whether or not it's your time. If you are a Kingdom believer of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is ALWAYS your time! It's not even about whether it's your turn. The bible says that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. In either case, you are STILL in line! 

What purpose has God given you that has yet to come to pass? What steps has He ordained for you to take that you've haven't already made? Who has God placed in your path to help you advance and you have yet to contact them? What resources has God provided that are waiting for you to tap in to? It's time to get in your period and complete the work! 

Maybe you've been more than willing, but just not able because of the enemy's attack on your life. Satan has a way of wearing us out and down to the point of surrender. As your sister in Christ, I refuse to let you surrender your divine destiny! Today, I stand with you as an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ and take authority over every demonic assignment that has plagued your life. The work that was begun in your life shall be performed, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Beloved, be encouraged today. Be empowered to achieve. Be enlightened by the Word of God. For His promises are yes and amen!

I'm IN my period & completing the work! How about you?

*Welcome new readers in South Korea*

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baggage Fees

"For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you
no greater burden than these necessary things" - Acts 15:28

My bestfriend and I celebrated her birthday during a trip to Atlanta, Georgia a few years ago. The airline allowed two carry-on bags and the first suitcase was free if it weighed under 50 pounds. On the way to Hotlanta, I had no problems at all. My purse and laptop were carried on as trip necessities and my luggage was well under weight. We made it to our destination safely and had a blast! Of course we shopped a little along the way. Who can visit Atlanta without shopping, right? By the end of the trip, the same suitcase I checked at no charge was now going to cost me $50 to get home for being one pound too heavy! I was floored! My BFF and I shifted some items, tossed unneeded boxes and bags and finally, my suitcase was just light enough to leave the state without extra baggage fees. Now consider your baggage.

How much unnecessary baggage are you carrying around with you? When you went into the situation you were light and free. Now you're bogged down and in bondage. Many are carrying around loads, bags, boxes, and even cases of things you picked up along the way that the Holy Spirit is trying to free of from. We are carrying anything from old wives' tales, to broken relationships, to ungodly attitudes. How much does it cost to carry your bags from station to station in your life? Has the fee to have all of this baggage reached it's maximum limit? Are you ready to release the heavy weight of things you've picked up along the way that you no longer really need?

The Lord desires to do a new thing in your life, but you only need the essentials on this trip. It's pretty difficult to have a new mind if you're still holding on to old thought patterns. It's nearly impossible to have a new life when you're comfortable and unwilling to let go of the old. You have a choice and it's simple. Unload your bags and lighten the load or pay the cost to carry them. What will you choose?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Broken Arrows

"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach goodtidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted , to proclaim liberty to thecaptives , and the opening of the prison to them that are bound" - Isaiah 61:1
I admit...I enjoy some aspects of social media networking. There are lots of advantages, but I've found one disadvantage that is often quite disturbing to me. It's encountering all of the broken arrows hanging around the outer courts of cyberspace, laying around their targets, having missed the bulls eye. You know. The broken arrows who live and breath to record YouTube and Social Cam clips, sitting around all day trying to think of clever Facebook and Twitter statuses in hopes of obtaining a gazillion "likes" and "tweets". It's the broken arrows hosting conferences and revivals, giving themselves highfalutin titles without the anointing or appointing of the Lord.

Not only the internet, but our streets are filled with broken arrows. Broken arrows are people who have had their purpose poisoned. They are the bitter and the bruised. They are the unteachable, untrainable, and unmoldable. They live in their potential, but their present is a reminder of their painful past. The broken arrows.

A broken arrow in the hand of a professional archer is still a broken arrow. In order for the arrow to make it's mark, the arrow must be aerodynamically prepared to do so. A slight bend in the arrow's head, shaft or even the fletching, will cause the arrow to miss the target. As our brother's and sister's keeper, we must be reminded that when they are overtaken by a fall, it's our responsibility to restore them.

Those who are healed and whole, as Isaiah 61 so eloquently expresses, we need to arise as representatives of the Kingdom of God. Let's stop walking over the broken arrows. Let's pick them up and bind up their wounds. Let's replenish their spiritual health and restore their hope in the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. We not only need new soldiers in the army of the Lord, we need to heal and restore the ones we have.

God's blessings to you!

Tracy Gale

Tuesday, January 1, 2013



"Now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel; none went out, and none came in." - Joshua 6:1 NKJV

Happy New Year!

And it shall be! 2013 is our year of BREAK OUT! We have been imprisoned long enough by thoughts of our past, fear of defeat, and intimidated by rejection. Your dreams and visions have been on lock. Your hope and joy have been in solitary confinement and your destiny has been chained & bound. It's time for a BREAK OUT! No more CHAINS on your thangs!

The children of Israel broke down the walls of Jericho, but they weren't just trying to get in. It was a move to BREAK OUT their promise from God! The promise was manifested, but it was inaccessible to them because of the walls. Do you realize that they marched around the walls a total of 13 times: one time for 6 days and seven times on the 7th day! Not only did they break in, there was a BREAK OUT!

Listen, I'm believing God for a 2013 BREAK OUT in the following 13 areas:
1. Life-changing Dreams
2. Prophetic Visions
3. Divine Deliverance
4. The Lost Reconciling with God
5. Excellent Health
6. Increased Finances
7. Fruition of God's Promises
8. Authentic Ministry
9. Multiple Income Streams
10. Elevated Thinking
11. Supernatural Strategies
12. Kingdom Connections
13. Another Level of Prophetic Anointing

You can use my list or create your own, but whatever you do, plan your BREAK OUT now! Utilize the authority and access you've been given and command a divine release of what God has ordained for YOU!

Excuse me while I execute my BREAK OUT!

Prophetess Tracy Gale Thornton