Spiderman, Sin & Sowing
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. - 1 Corinthians 3:6
As a parent and leader, there are times when I wonder whether the long talks and teachable moments are really sinking in, or are they going in one ear and oozing out the other along with the wax. As Father and Creator, God also desires a true relationship with us, that we are truly embracing His instruction and walking out the principles imparted into our lives.
Recently, I realized my children are really getting an understanding of the Kingdom of God for themselves and it was dynamic. While playing Spiderman 3, my son toyed with the creepy black substance that turns Spiderman into a cold-hearted villain rather than the warm-hearted hero he is really supposed to be. On the video game, one pressed button latches the black gel to Spidey and makes it impossible to remove without maneuvering a sequence of several buttons. Try getting it off without the right sequence and zap! It is right back on.
My son then asked if he could share with our youth ministry class that the black substance is just like SIN: easy to get on, hard to get off. But, with the right combination of prayer and the Word of God, we can be freed from its grip! After I picked myself up off the floor from hearing this revelation (smile), I thanked God for the manifestation of prayer. No, they are not perfect little angels. They have messy rooms, they hate washing dishes and they think homework is a punishment. But, they have a relationship with God, which means the Gospel of Jesus Christ is getting through and being applied.
I not only want to encourage you today to
continue to teach, to train, to lead and to instruct, but I also want to
encourage you to learn, to obey, to follow and to study. You may not have
children, but maybe God has given you authority to lead others and to raise them
up in the Kingdom. It may not seem like what you are saying is getting through,
but know that it is. Keeping planting and watering and let God give the
Tracy Gale
Today, I'm a very proud Mama who is choosing to trust God to finish what He started in my son's life. Will you pray with me for his safety?
Always my sister..God is more than able to keep him covered under the shadow of his almighty power. God is in control, and he will complete that which he started in my nephew AJ...I declare it to be so by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ...much peace and joy in the holy ghost will be a comfort to you in Jesus Name Amen.