Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Snow in the Spring

"yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior." - Habakkuk 3:18
Spring has been delayed. Trees have not only failed to bloom, folks are shoveling snow in places that normally cut grass this time of the year. Many of our lives resemble these uncomfortable and often irritating moments where everything seems to be happening out of season. What will you do with snow in the spring? There are projects you've been working on and yet they have seemed to stall out. You've anxiously awaited a bumper crop on your harvest, but have awakened to a season of crop failure. What in the world is going on? While there are various answers to this question, the constant resolve should be the same: In spite of _______ (you fill in the blank), I WILL rejoice!
The most astonishing experience happens when you choose to praise instead of ponder; when you choose to worship instead of worry; when you choose faith over fear! When you make a choice to surrender your expectations to the Lord in exchange for whatever He may have for your life right now. Habakkuk didn't leave a stone unturned when he says, "Though the cherry trees don't blossom and the strawberries don't ripen, Though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields stunted, Though the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns empty". When all else seems to fail, when discouragement is the only language spoken in your midst, choose joy!
What will you do with snow in the spring? Go for a ride in a sled! Shovel it or make snow angels! Just realize that complaining, stressing, and cussing about it will not make the snow melt and go away. Your issues will not disappear because you don't like them. Your trial will not end because you don't feel like going through it. So instead of fighting against a no-win situation, throw your hands up to the Lord and give Him an "anyhow" praise! Before you know it, God will have lifted you high above your challenge, high above your obstacles and seated you in a high place! What will you do with snow in the spring? Worship the Lord and watch it melt!
Choosing to WORSHIP,
Tracy Gale

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You Don't Have to Answer

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. - Revelation 3:20

Enjoying a couple of quiet hours alone, there was a knock at the door. I wasn't expecting company so imagine my disappointment when I reached the door and realized that it was a salesman offering a service that I didn't need or care to hear about. I'd had experience with the company recently and had changed my services to a new provider. I smiled through the glass pane by the door and simply said "Thanks, but I'm not interested". As I walked away casually, I could hear him compelling me to open the door so he could share some new information with me about their services and even asked me to confirm the residential name he had listed for me. I continued to return to my sweet time of relaxation having realized that just because there was a knock, I did not have to answer. 

Too many times we are stressed out and ready to fight with just about everyone who makes a demand on our time and attention. Undeserving they may be, we have allowed them to suck up valuable, irreplaceable time, energy, and even money. Every request doesn't deserve a response and every question doesn't demand a reply. You simply don't have to answer. 

You don't have to answer to the voice of the enemy when he comes creeping into your ear whispering thoughts of death and dismay. You don't have to answer the one who cries 'wolf' who has all of the resources at reach, but wishes for you to simply serve it to them. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer every prying, nosy person who salivates at the thought of peeking into your past so they can predict the demise of your future. You don't have to answer. 

Do yourself a favor and stop answering the knocks of so many people who are interrupting your peace of mind about so many things that are irrelevant, unimportant or just plain stupid. The only knock you really want to answer is the one from Jesus. He stands at the door waiting to experience koinonia with you, to be the friend that only He can be. Unlike the unwanted salesman at my door trying to take up my time, my energy and my money, Jesus comes bearing gifts when He knocks. When Jesus knocks, He brings peace with Him! He brings joy instead of sorrow! Instead of ashes, He brings you beauty! You don't have to answer, but when Jesus comes a knocking, if I were you...I would!

Peace & Blessings!

Tracy Gale

*P.S. I just realized that The Tuesday Morning Encouragement is 10 YEARS OLD!!! Praise God!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

If You Love Me

"If you love Me, keep My commandments." - John 14:15

One of biggest lies in Christianity is "Lord I love you more than anything". It's a lie that Jesus acknowledged in Matthew 15:8 when He said "these people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me." The ultimate expression of our committed love to Jesus is to keep His commandments. To think holy, live holy, breath holy, be holy.

Do you really love Jesus? I mean, do you love Him enough to sacrifice the things and people you want to have, just to please Him with a lifestyle of appreciation for what He has for you? I can hear Jesus saying now, "If you love Me, you'll give up that unhealthy addiction; If you love Me, why do you have that number on speed dial?; If you love Me why do you fight My will so much." If you love Me. 

Many times, Jesus is being "loved" out of convenience and circumstance. It's like that relationship people have when you can't be with the one you really want to be with, so you settle for the one who wants to be with you. Your actions are speaking so loudly that Jesus can't hear what you're saying. Your mouth is moving and it's saying "Jesus I love You", but your actions are indulging in sinful lifestyles and entertaining demonic influence. You're saying "Jesus, I love you more than anything", and the next thing you do is compromise your faith and freedom for the failure of your flesh. And the commandments of the Lord are yet to be fulfilled and honored from your life. 

Preaching and teaching the Word is wonderful, but living it is even better! Singing and shouting is great, but living in the Spirit is phenomenal! If you love Him, don't just talk about it, sing about it, or preach about it...KEEP His commandments through your lifestyle. 

You'll know when you truly love Jesus with your whole heart. It's when everything you strive for in life becomes the backdrop of the main event...being with Jesus. It's those moments when you realize that the only person who really loves you unconditionally is Jesus...and you're content with that fact. It's when you arrive at the conclusion that you can walk away from everything you have and know that you'll still have everything you need in Him. That's when you know you really love Him. Do you really love Him today? I know I do. 

Let's pray:
Jesus, we ask that You forgive us for every time we professed our love for You, but our actions and heart did not reflect the same. Lord, we pray that You would fill our hearts with Your love. We desire to love You in Spirit and in Truth. It's our desire to show You how much we truly love You by keeping Your commandments, keeping Your word. We thank You for Your grace and mercy that has covered thus far. We ask You these things in Your name Jesus...amen!

Learning to love Him right,

Tracy Gale
Let this be true when you sing it:

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