"yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior." - Habakkuk 3:18
Spring has been delayed. Trees have not only failed to bloom, folks are shoveling snow in places that normally cut grass this time of the year. Many of our lives resemble these uncomfortable and often irritating moments where everything seems to be happening out of season. What will you do with snow in the spring? There are projects you've been working on and yet they have seemed to stall out. You've anxiously awaited a bumper crop on your harvest, but have awakened to a season of crop failure. What in the world is going on? While there are various answers to this question, the constant resolve should be the same: In spite of _______ (you fill in the blank), I WILL rejoice!
The most astonishing experience happens when you choose to praise instead of ponder; when you choose to worship instead of worry; when you choose faith over fear! When you make a choice to surrender your expectations to the Lord in exchange for whatever He may have for your life right now. Habakkuk didn't leave a stone unturned when he says, "Though the cherry trees don't blossom and the strawberries don't ripen, Though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields stunted, Though the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns empty". When all else seems to fail, when discouragement is the only language spoken in your midst, choose joy!
What will you do with snow in the spring? Go for a ride in a sled! Shovel it or make snow angels! Just realize that complaining, stressing, and cussing about it will not make the snow melt and go away. Your issues will not disappear because you don't like them. Your trial will not end because you don't feel like going through it. So instead of fighting against a no-win situation, throw your hands up to the Lord and give Him an "anyhow" praise! Before you know it, God will have lifted you high above your challenge, high above your obstacles and seated you in a high place! What will you do with snow in the spring? Worship the Lord and watch it melt!
Choosing to WORSHIP,
Tracy Gale