"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." - Romans 8:18
You're struggling with no one to tell, but Jesus. This is a season when you have been faced with some very high mountains and some very steep hills. Roads and paths once comfortably traveled have been altered with fallen objects, road blocks and detours. Life has been filled with curves from the beginning of the year to the end. As much as you tried to keep your pain private, the evidence of your pressure has been public. All of the pressure and heat from the stresses of life have left you rough around the edges, weary and worn, and feeling like you just might crack. And if you find yourself still reading this encouragement, here's some great news for you: You're not just a jewel, you're a DIAMOND.
Natural diamonds are created from very high temperatures and very high pressures deep within the mantle of the Earth. Consider the prophet Elisha who received the double mantle of the prophet Elijah. Now consider yourself. As a spiritual diamond, the greater your calling, the more powerful the pressure of the mantle. You are yet being developed, tempered, and formed to last. You've already experienced enough to tell some good stories. But it's not over, because diamonds are forever.
Natural diamonds have the power to rip through the mantle and are brought to the surface by deep volcanic eruptions. While you are trying to calm the fire and keep your life from exploding, God is trying to use the pressure to get you from the pit to the promise! You are not Martin Luther King, Jr. You are not Mother Theresa reincarnate. You are not your grandmother, your teacher or your former spiritual leader. God has called you to a greater work that requires a greater process!
DIAMOND, I want to encourage you today without knowing all that you are responsible for. I want to encourage you who are caring for others that God has entrusted to you. I want to encourage you who wish at times you could walk away, but fear the destruction of all you hold in your hands. You are a DIAMOND. God naturally created you with the right amount of strength you need and I decree and declare today that you will not break. The fire will not consume you, and you will rise to the top. You will no longer live life as a diamond trying to pass for a rock. God has given you an indestructible spirit and you will not be broken! After all, DIAMONDS are forever.
Tracy Gale
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