"...what must I do to be saved?" - Acts 16:30b
My four sisters and I celebrated our 2nd annual Sister Weekend recently. We spend time away from being mothers, wives, professionals, and grandmothers, to enjoy each other's company uninterrupted by life's demands. After a full fun-filled day including a photo shoot, lunch, shopping and dinner, we decided to relax in the hotel hot tub before calling it a night. Already in the hot tub made for 8, were three people we didn't know. We decided to join them and they made room for the five of us. After chatting it up, my sister Teresa introduced us as "singers". You would've thought she was introducing us as the Clark Sisters, the Pace Sisters, or even the Braxton's! It was enough to spark interest of our new acquaintances. We sang one song, and then they requested another. And then another. And then yet another! By the time we were on the 4th song, the glory of God had filled the atmosphere with His presence! It wasn't just us who were overcome by the presence of the Lord, our new acquaintances were too! After our last song, I extended an invitation for salvation and the Lord Jesus Christ was received by all 3 individuals! That hot tub will never be the same! It's been filled with the glory of God!
Paul and Silas weren't relaxing in a hot tub in the 16th chapter of Acts, but the bible tells us that during a time when most people would've been stressed out and at their wit's end, they were praying and singing praises to the Lord. Their powerful worship provoked an earthquake so strong that the prison doors opened and the prisoner's chains were loosed! The guard of the prison fell down and asked what he needed to do to be saved. He realized that there was more to Paul and Silas than his natural eyes could see, and he wanted in on it!
How can a hot tub be holy, you ask? Holiness isn't an app you download. It's not a hat you put on when church folk come around. It's a lifestyle. As Kingdom citizens, holiness should be finely woven into the course of our culture. It's how you choose to live your life every day. It's what oozes from your pores, flows from your lips, and emanates from your being. Holiness is what magnetizes the unbeliever to the Christ in you. It's that "something" about you that's different from everyone else. Holiness should cause an atmospheric change when you step into the room. In our case, we stepped into the water, the Holy Spirit stepped right on in with us and immediately, the hot tub became holy!
My friends, be ready for God to move whenever and where ever. Don't limit Him to certain places and certain times and certain situations. He's always ready to save a soul! Where will you lead the next soul to Christ? A movie theater? Bowling alley? The mall? Remember, where ever you are, that's where He is!
Still in awe of Him,
Tracy Gale
The Leech Sisters 2012
Join me for these upcoming experiences!
Visit www.TracyGale.com or www.RaphaKingdom.org for more info!