As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God. - Psalm 42:1
I'll admit it. I can't stop watching the Playmaker videos on YouTube for quick comic relief about black church parody. As a matter of fact, the most recent video I watched was called "Chasing After You", a flip on the popular gospel song by Vashawn Mitchell. After I was able to calm myself from laughing hysterically, it made me many people are REALLY chasing after GOD?
Recently, I heard a young lady spit a mouthful of expletives, reference the fact that she's only interested in sex and money, and all that she can get out of a man only to finish her rant by declaring herself a woman of God. I wonder why she would think that? While I don't claim to know her personal reason, I do know that there are tons of people who feel the same way about God and their behavior shows it. Rather than chasing after the person of God, they're really only chasing after what God can do for them and what He can offer. The love claimed for God is truly one that is conditional and superficial rather than the unconditional sacrificial love Jesus showed for us on the cross.
We sing that song "Lord, if You never do another thing for me, You've already done enough", yet we continue to approach the Throne of God daily with a laundry lists of wants and desires. We live our lives choosing holiness like an option on Jeopardy instead of a lifestyle of obedience to God, and ready to give up when we don't get our way with God. It's time to stop the chase. Stop chasing the heart of a man. Stop chasing the money. Stop chasing the fame. Stop chasing the prestige. Stop chasing the bed of a woman. Stop chasing God's hands and not His heart. Just stop. The only chase we should be on is that which produces panting and thirsting after God, where our only resolve of getting our thirst quenched and hunger filled is by being in His presence.
My friends, I encourage you to consider your chase today. Are you chasing after your next blessing? Your next season of favor? Your next season of shifting? Or are you chasing after the authentic presence of God without any conditions attached? Stop the chase after all that matters not, and start the chase that leads into the presence of God.
Chasing after YOU and You alone God,
Tracy Gale
P.S. -Here's the video that made me laugh: