Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chasing After You

As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God. - Psalm 42:1

I'll admit it. I can't stop watching the Playmaker videos on YouTube for quick comic relief about black church parody. As a matter of fact, the most recent video I watched was called "Chasing After You", a flip on the popular gospel song by Vashawn Mitchell. After I was able to calm myself from laughing hysterically, it made me think...how many people are REALLY chasing after GOD?

Recently, I heard a young lady spit a mouthful of expletives, reference the fact that she's only interested in sex and money, and all that she can get out of a man only to finish her rant by declaring herself a woman of God. I wonder why she would think that? While I don't claim to know her personal reason, I do know that there are tons of people who feel the same way about God and their behavior shows it. Rather than chasing after the person of God, they're really only chasing after what God can do for them and what He can offer. The love claimed for God is truly one that is conditional and superficial rather than the unconditional sacrificial love Jesus showed for us on the cross.

We sing that song "Lord, if You never do another thing for me, You've already done enough", yet we continue to approach the Throne of God daily with a laundry lists of wants and desires. We live our lives choosing holiness like an option on Jeopardy instead of a lifestyle of obedience to God, and ready to give up when we don't get our way with God. It's time to stop the chase. Stop chasing the heart of a man. Stop chasing the money. Stop chasing the fame. Stop chasing the prestige. Stop chasing the bed of a woman. Stop chasing God's hands and not His heart. Just stop. The only chase we should be on is that which produces panting and thirsting after God, where our only resolve of getting our thirst quenched and hunger filled is by being in His presence.

My friends, I encourage you to consider your chase today. Are you chasing after your next blessing? Your next season of favor? Your next season of shifting? Or are you chasing after the authentic presence of God without any conditions attached? Stop the chase after all that matters not, and start the chase that leads into the presence of God.

Chasing after YOU and You alone God,

Tracy Gale

P.S. -Here's the video that made me laugh:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Better Than Sex

Then the angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. -Luke 1:30

Can you imagine being Mary? I mean, most of us can't handle the gossip and the rejection even when we ARE guilty of the accusation. Here she is a virgin engaged to be married and she becomes pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Can somebody say pass me a 'straight jacket'? But Mary accepted the call on her life and she walked out the path God chose for her without fear, but with much favor.

As Believers, we are versions of "Mary", given the amazing assignment to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the earth. But, in many cases, our witness has been destroyed, our character is being questioned, and we're on the brink of miscarriage. All because we've allowed fear to disqualify God's favor upon our lives. What if Mary had chosen not to be the conduit in which our beloved Jesus Christ was born, but rather wanted to save her reputation, save herself from the embarassment and the gossip, and wait to consummate with Joseph on their wedding night? For Mary, being chosen by God was better than sex.

What is God's divine purpose for your life better than? Is God's divine purpose for your life better than sex? Money? Fame? Celebrity? Pride? What is it that you want more than the favor of God? It might be good to you, but not good for you. Let me tell you, the favor of God is better than all of those things and then some.

My brothers and sisters, whatever has you distracted and operating in disobedience against the will of God for your life isn't worth you losing out on the dynamic gift of God's favor. Can it really be so good and so wonderful that you would rather choose to embrace it than your destiny in Christ? I sure hope not. Mark 8:36 says it all: "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?"

Believing that NOTHING is better than the FAVOR of God,

Tracy Gale

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

You Qualify!

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus - Philippians 3:14
Watching 2012 Olympic runner, Oscar Pistorius, race in the 400-meter semifinal was astounding. As a double amputee, Pistorius has carbon-fiber blades in place of feet and ankles. Pistorius made history by qualifying to compete against the world’s fastest men. We witnessed more than a race, we witnessed a man refuse to accept limitations, ignore the stigma, and defeat the odds. While I celebrated through tears, I was reminded that regardless of the thoughts of others, the lack of support or acknowledgement…we do qualify to get in the race.

I looked at Pistorius and wondered how many of us have been rejected and ridiculed by our peers; discounted and made to be the punchline of many jokes. It would seem that your life screams “least likely to succeed”. Maybe you don’t have the testimony that your life has been perfect, seamless, and easy. I know I don’t. Experiencing life changing occurrences such as the death of loved ones, divorce, and health challenges can cause many to feel like the promise of God will never be fulfilled in your lives. We can easily feel inferior to others who have no idea what we’ve walked through just to get out of bed every day. And despite your debilitation, I want you to receive this life-changing word today…you qualify.

You qualify because Jesus Christ lives in you. You qualify because the blood of Jesus has cleansed you from all sin. I challenge you today to get your purpose off of the shelf, and out of the box that it was put in. I know this is wrong, and that’s not right, and this is broken, and that’s not fixed. I know this one won’t help, and that one laughed, and this one lied, and that one is unfaithful, but according to Matthew 19:26, with men it is impossible, with God all things are possible! Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the divine strategy for your situation and watch Him provide every type of assistance you need for success through Christ.

I hope to never forget the smile on the face of Pistorius. I’m certain it wiped the smile off the face of every person who’d ever doubted his ability to qualify. Press toward the mark today and refuse to accept any limitations put on your life. Shut the door on the stigma from your past and press on to run the race set before you. After all, you’ve already qualified to run it. Success to you my brothers & sisters in Christ!

Qualified to run,

Tracy Gale

Talk is Cheap

Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. – Ephesians 4:29 (MSG)

According to Ephesians 4:29, each word is a gift. With that being said, are you the person in the room giving the best gifts or are you the one giving cheap gifts every time you speak? I recently watched a movie about a man who said a lot, but his words were empty and surface. His life became symbolic with a tree, and for every word spoken, the tree lost a leaf until it was almost bare. It left me wondering if we had trees, just how many leaves would be left on ours?

And if you’re plugged into social media networks, you’ll find that there are a lot of people spending time every day spilling meaningless words laced with empty thoughts to people they barely have a relationship with…talking cheap. There are a few valuable pearls of wisdom, but you have to wade through the clams to find them. In the words of my Mississippian father, “you talkin, but you ain’t sayin nothin”.

I am thankful that we serve a God whose words are powerful, effective and true. The bible says that God’s word doesn’t return to him unaccomplished. He doesn’t waste His words and just as He spoke in the days of old, He continues to speak today. His words are everlasting and unlimited. He is like an eternal tree with unlimited leaves.

Truthfully, we are trees with limited leaves and we are limited to the words we speak within our lifetime. After we die, only the words we’ve already spoken remain. When you leave a conversation, a room, or even a friendship, what words do you want to leave behind? Let’s be meaningful, purposeful, and passionate about the words we share in prayer as well as the words we share with each other. Focus on speaking what is helpful, and give people good gifts when you speak, rather than cheap conversation.

My prayer is that the words I’ve shared with you have been received as good gifts :0)

Tracy Gale

Got a Word?

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad - Proverbs 12:25

And not just any word, but a good word? If you’re already facing a monster of a situation, you don’t need Sally & Steve speaking doubt and unbelief in your ear. Proverbs 12:25 tells us that anxiety in the heart causes depression. We must be careful who we allow to speak a “word” to our hearts. Not every word spoken is a good word. Proverbs 25:11 (MSG) says that the right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry…valuable.

Let’s not settle for just any old word, but seek the face of the Lord for a good word that will lift up our spirit and become the catalyst of increased hope in Christ. My good word for you today is Psalm 66:10-12. Right now you may be enduring a test and your faith is being tried by the Lord. Funds may be lack, bills may be due, family may be stressed, and body may be weak. BUT, trust in the Lord that His ultimate destination for you is to come out on top and step right into a wealthy place. Whew! I receive that one for myself! Don’t just settle for just any word, get in the presence of the Lord and get a GOOD word for yourself!

I got a good word & I’m glad about it!

Tracy Gale

You’re a Winner!

“I returned and saw under the sun that– The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.” -Ecclesiates 9:11

My husband is a runner. I don’t think I paid quite as much attention to running until supporting him during his races. I used to think that it bothered him greatly that he didn’t seem to come in first. I mean, the whole point is to win the race, right? It wasn’t until I walked my first 5K that I got the vision. As I huffed and puffed my way to the finish, I realized I was the last person on the route. The race was through a neighborhood, so there were people out on their porches and in their yards watching as participants ran or walked by. One man said to me “You’re making me feel bad! I should be out there.” It was then that I realized why coming in first was just a bonus. I was already a winner because I was IN the race. I came in last place that day, but I couldn’t have felt more powerful! I gave it all I had and I FINISHED!

What is stopping you today from getting in the race that Christ has set before you? It doesn’t matter if you’re the first to do what you’ve been called to do. What matters mostis that you are DOING it! You’re already a WINNER because you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ. Don’t be hindered or distracted by the others in the race, you’ve got to run your own. Jesus Christ has already prepared you with the grace you need to jump every hurdle and hit the mark. This is your race, now run it well. #FinishLine

I’m in the race, how about you?

Tracy Gale