Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Don't Fall Back

Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. - Isaiah 43:19
Not long ago, many regions across the world changed the time on our clocks. We were told to "spring forward" by setting our clocks ahead one hour, rather than to "fall back" an hour. In this season, it's important that we set an identical standard in the spirit. Whatever you do right now, just don't fall back. 

Even the fall season gives most people a feeling of relaxation and comfort. I hear more people complaining about "losing" one hour during the spring that I do about getting a little extra sleeping time in the fall. It's time to wake up and be about your Father's business. It's time to lay aside that extra weight spiritual weight that slows you down. Whatever you do right now, just don't fall back.
The catastrophic mistake of falling back when you should be springing forward can cost you precious time that cannot be recovered. Can you imagine showing up an hour late to the airport after your flight has taken off? Showing up an hour late at a job interview could cost you a new career. Yet, we are comfortable dragging our feet when it comes to the assignments of God. Lord, help us not to fall back.
Falling back is what we do when the mission seems impossible. We fall back when it's more comfortable to stay the same than to press ahead and watch God work. Falling back becomes a pattern when we can't turn the light on in a dark situation because we're walking by faith. Fall back is no longer an option if your desire is to see the exponential manifestation of the glory God in your life. It’s time to accept the new thing God has for you and spring forward. Are you ready to spring forth?
You may be aggravated this morning because you can’t see the blessing in your press; you may be irritated because you can’t see the joy in your suffering; you may be discouraged because you can’t fathom the benefit from the mess, but just as God promised in Isaiah 43, He is performing miracles through your life in this season! He is defining the trailblazer in you by creating pathways in your desert places and springing up new wells to quench your spiritual thirst! Your new thing is springing forth right now!
Are you ready to spring forth? Are you ready for the new thing God wants to do inside of you? It’s time to spring forth! Whatever you do this season, don't fall back.
Springing forth,
Tracy Gale
Join me at these upcoming encounters as I SPRING FORTH!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Bishop Larry A Davis Ministries
Columbus, OH
A Trip To God's House Stage Play
Bethany Christian Church, Columbus, OH
Prophetess Thornton as "1st Lady Wright"
April 5th & 6th, April 12th & 13th
Buy Tickets

Sunday, April 7, 2013
Judah Redeemer Life Changing Ministries Women's Day
Columbus, OH

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Gospel Youth Jam
Columbus, OH

Saturday, May 18, 2013
Happy 'No' Mother's Day
Columbus, OH

Saturday May 25, 2013
Happy 'No' Mother's Day
Tampa, FL

Saturday, June 8, 2013
LIFT Pastor's Wives Gathering
Cleveland, OH

Saturday, August 24, 2013
Remnant for Christ Ministries' Women's Conference
Columbus, OH

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Walking Dead

"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. On him God the Father has placed his seal of approval." - John 6:27

AMC's hit TV show The Walking Dead features zombies that do nothing but walk around from place to place looking for food. They eat, but are never satisfied. They remind me of many who proclaim themselves as Christians. They are unfilled, empty and never satisfied. They are emotionally detached and spiritually broken. They've become dead to any new ideas, any fresh way of thinking, and the only way they can satisfy themselves is to consume you, your hope and your dreams.

Some have entered into the church, but not have allowed Christ to enter into them. They feed off of the latest gossip, spread the biggest lies, and get fulfilled by watching the division between brothers and sisters in the Lord. And at one point in our lives, we too may have been like zombies. Plunging ourselves into sin-filled binges trying to find satisfaction in just one more joint, just one more drink, or just one more sexual partner.  None of these are the true walking dead. They're actually dead men walking.

Let's face it. Sin is insatiable. It is never satisfied and is only fulfilling for a moment. It doesn't matter how long we try to hold on to the moment, it will come to an end; leaving us feeling empty and broken. The promise we have in Jesus is one that fills, completes, and heals.

When we're dead men walking, we are incapable of sensing the move of the Spirit, consistently hearing the voice of the Lord, or seeing the hand of God. We fight with our hands and with weapons that have no avail on the enemy who is against us. But, when we are the walking dead, we move, live and breath in the Spirit! We fight with spiritual weapons that are powerful enough to pull down strongholds and cast out demonic spirits from our presence! Living in the Spirit is living in the fullness of Christ!

The word of God says, "And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness". - Romans 8:10  When you are the walking dead, your life is no longer consumed with feeding your flesh it's sinful desires. Your desires are driven towards only the sustenance that will only fill your spirit. Those who are alive in Christ are the walking dead of a different kind. Where we are dead to our flesh and the deeds of it, but we are alive in Christ!

Dead in the deeds of my sin, but alive in the Spirit of the Living God! I'm so glad to be considered one of the walking dead rather than a dead man walking. How about you?

Alive in Christ,

Tracy Gale